2023 Term 1 Newsletter

2 Feb 23

We can’t wait to welcome everyone back to the studio for 2023!


Please take time to read all of this Newsletter as it contains important information regarding;

Our New Family Portal


Term Dates

Concert Dates

Drop Off & Pick Up


Term 1 Invoices

Active & Creative Kids Vouchers




In 2023, you can access your classes details and invoices via our new family portal.

If you have enrolled for 2023 you should have now received a registration email. If you haven’t, please check you junk/spam folder and if it’s not there please email lcda@lcda.com.au

If you have not yet enrolled for 2023 you will not have received a registration email. Please see below to enrol.

We have transferred information from the old system, however only one email address and one phone number were transferred. If you would like emails sent to an additional email address or to add another phone number to your account, please email lcda@lcda.com.au with the details.

Could you please also check & edit where necessary, students D.O.B. as these have not all transferred over correctly.




If you haven’t done so already there is still time to enrol for 2023.

See HERE for our 2023 timetable and enrolment information.

If you have submitted your enrolment request but haven’t received a reply yet, please check your junk folder. We have found that sometimes our emails have been ending up there. 😢
If you have not received anything, please email lcda@lcda.com.au or text 0422 861 592




Term 1, Friday 3th February-Thursday 6th April

Term 2, Monday 24th April-Saturday 1st July

Term 3, Monday 17th July-Saturday 23rd September

Term 4, Monday 9th October-Concert




The end of year performance is the highlight of the year for all our students.

Students must attend rehearsals if the wish to participate in the concert. All concert related timetables will be posted on the website closer to the date.

To help you plan your Christmas holidays and other festive activities, please add the following dates to your diaries.

Full School Rehearsal at LCDA – Sunday 26th November

Photo Day at LCDA – Sunday 3rd December

Rehearsals & Concerts at Glen Street Theatre – Wednesday 13th-Saturday 16th December




As we have done for the past few years, students will be collected by their teacher at the start of their lesson, from the Birdwood Lane entrance.

Where possible students should arrive dressed & ready for their class. If students are arriving straight from school, they may enter the building 5mins before their lesson to change. Students must be able to dress themselves when they arrive.

At the end of their lesson, students will be brought back down the stairs to be collected from the Birdwood Lane entrance at Lane Cove Dance Academy.

Only enrolled students and staff are permitted to enter the Academy and only during their scheduled class time. No parents will be allowed in the Academy.

New students, please wait at the Birdwood Lane entrance for your teacher, this is the easiest place for them to find you.




Please make sure your child is in the correct uniform for all classes.

Good grooming is essential. All ballet students (Kindergarten age & above) must have their hair in a ballet bun if they wish to participate in class. For all other dance styles students must have their hair up.

Please do not wear jewellery or watches into any dance class.

You can purchase our uniform from Bloch, Chatswood. Details can be found HERE. If you tell them at Bloch, you are attending Lane Cove Dance Academy, they will know what to give you and you can apply for a privilege card in-store.

You can also go to our second-hand uniform group on Facebook; LCDA 2nd Hand Uniforms




Term 1 invoices are now ready and can be viewed & paid through your new family portal.

If you have any problems regarding your fees, please contact the office by email lcda@lcda.com.au so that we can make appropriate adjustment as required.




To use your 2023 vouchers towards your invoice just follow the link and enter your voucher details. Your voucher will then be applied to your Term 1 invoice.


Once the voucher has been applied you will receive a confirmation email and you can pay as normal through the family portal. Vouchers MUST be applied before you pay your fees.

Please note that Active/Creative Kids Vouchers WILL NOT be applied to overdue invoices, vouchers MUST be received by the Academy before the due date of the invoice.

Active/Creative Kids Vouchers will not be transferred to another organisation once LCDA have received them. Nor will they be accepted from another Active/Creative Kids Provider.


We hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays and we will see everyone back at the studio from Friday 3rd February.