2023 Term 2 Newsletter

2 May 23

We hope everyone has enjoyed their holidays and a ready for a busy Term 2!


Please take time to read the rest of this Newsletter as it contains very important information regarding:

DATES: Term dates, Ballet Exam dates & Concert dates!

Costume Deposits for our End of Year Concert

Term 2 Invoices and Active & Creative Kids Vouchers

Performance Groups

Drop Off & Pick Up



Term 1 flew past and we’d just like to mention some exciting things that happened during the first term.



Two of our students, Emily T & Adabelle L, travelled to Melbourne during the holidays to compete in the Cecchetti Ballet Australia, Young Dancer Awards.

We are so pound of these girls, their beautiful quality & artistry shone through in a super tough section of 52 dancers from across Australia.




Auditions were held at the end of February for the Cecchetti Ballet NSW Scholars Program.

This is a unique program, and a wonderful opportunity for our dancers to be coached by Nationally and Internationally acclaimed professional dancers and teachers. They have already enjoyed their first class with Karina Hernandez.

Congratulations to the following students who were selected for the 2023 program;

Junior – Adabelle L, Harper J & Emmanuelle G

Intermediate – Amarlie W, Emily T & Hannah F

Senior – Amelia G, Emma H & Kiara M

Well done!



Our students had the opportunity to choreograph their own work & perfrom in the Cecchetti Ballet NSW Choreographic Competition last term.


Best Junior Choreography of the Day – Noam Z (danced with Harvey C)

1st Place Contemporary Solo – Kiara M (danced by Allegra L)

2nd Place Contemporary Group – Kiara M, Holly vB, Eden H, Hannah I, Amelia G & Allegra L



Eisteddfod season has begun for our soloists! Congratulations to;

Marlo T, 1st Place at Energy Express Eisteddfod for her jazz solo

Chrystina M, 1st Place at The Menai Eisteddfod for her jazz solo

Emmanuelle G, 3rd Place at IRBD for her jazz solo

Adabelle L, Highly Commended at IRBD for her ballet solo

Zoe R & Lucy M, Highly Commended at IRBD for their jazz solos





Term 2, Monday 24th April-Saturday 1st July

Term 3, Monday 17th July-Saturday 23rd September

Term 4, Monday 9th October-Concert




Exam students will be selected at the discretion of the principals to undertake Cecchetti Ballet examinations.

Students in Year 2 and above must attend two ballet lessons per week from the beginning of the year to be considered.


Kindergarten & Year 1 (selected students only)

Compulsory Piano Rehearsal, Sunday 6th August

Examination, Sunday 13th August


Year 2, 3 & 4 (Saturday exam class students only)

Examination, Monday 14th or Tuesday 15th August


Year 6+ (selected students only)

Examination, Thursday 24th August to Sunday 10th September at AMPA




The end of year performance is the highlight of the year for all our students.

Students must attend rehearsals if they wish to participate in the concert. All concert related timetables will be posted on the website closer to the date.

To help you plan your Christmas holidays and other festive activities, please add the following dates to your diaries.


All Students

Full School Rehearsal at LCDA – Sunday 26th November

Photo Day at LCDA – Sunday 3rd December

Rehearsal at Glen Street Theatre – Wednesday 13th December (students must attend this rehearsal in order to be a part of our end of year production).


Kindergarten, Year 2, 4, 6 & 8 Students (school years)

Thursday 14th December – Evening performance at Glen Street Theatre

Saturday 16th December – Matinee performance at Glen Street Theatre

Students must perform in both Thursday & Saturday shows.


Year 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 Students (school years)

Friday 15th December – Evening performance at Glen Street Theatre

Saturday 16th December – Evening performance at Glen Street Theatre

Students must perform in both Friday & Saturday shows.


Tiny Tots & Pre-Ballet students will perform in 1 show only, either; Thursday 14th, Friday 15th or Saturday 16th December. Tiny Tots & Pre-Ballet classes will be assigned a show closer to the performance date.


Year 10+ Students and Performance Group Students

Students in Year 10 & above and Performance Group students will perform in all 4 shows; Thursday 14th, Friday 15th & two performances on Saturday 16th December


The Academy has an OPT OUT policy regarding participation in the end of year performance. This means we assume all students will participate in ALL performances for the academy in the classes they are enrolled in for Term 2.

This year we will raise a separate invoice (it will not be included on your Term 2 invoice) for costume deposits for our end of year concert.

This invoice will include a $40 deposit for each class your child is enrolled in for Term 2. If your child’s enrolment will change in Term 3 or 4 you must let us know immediately so that we purchase them the correct costume for their class.

The balance for your costume/s will be added to your Term 4 invoice.

If your children are NOT available on concert dates or you DO NOT WISH them to participate, the onus is on you to tell us. PLEASE advise by email (lcda@lcda.com.au) before 1st June 2022 if your child will not be involved in the end of year concert.

What happens if you do not advise us that your child will not be in the concert before 1st June 2023?

Costumes require a considerable lead time to ensure they arrive before the concert dates. Most costumes are custom made overseas and unless ordered early, cannot be re-ordered with sufficient time to arrive before the performance dates.  If you do not advise the Academy by 1st June 2023, the Academy assumes you will be in the concert and a costume will be ordered.  Once ordered, the full cost of the costume will be payable by you.




Term 2 invoices have now been raised and are available on your Customer Portal.

If you are in a Performance Group, we are still calculating Performance Group costs (including holiday classes, costumes & competition entry fees). We will raise your invoice soon.

To view your invoice and make payment, please log on to your account via the Customer Portal.

If you have any problems regarding your fees, please contact the office by email lcda@lcda.com.au so that we can make appropriate adjustment as required.

If you are new to the academy or forgotten how to log in to your account, please email lcda@lcda.com.au

To avoid a Late Fee please pay by the due date.




To use your 2023 vouchers towards your invoice just follow the link and enter your voucher details. Your voucher will then be applied to your Term 2 invoice.


Once the voucher has been applied you will receive a confirmation email and you can pay as normal through the family portal. Vouchers MUST be applied before you pay your fees.

Please note that Active/Creative Kids Vouchers WILL NOT be applied to overdue invoices, vouchers MUST be received by the Academy before the due date of the invoice.

Active/Creative Kids Vouchers will not be transferred to another organisation once LCDA have received them. Nor will they be accepted from another Active/Creative Kids Provider.




We are coming up to a busy term of performances, starting on 6th May. All of our groups will perform 4 times during this term so please make sure you across all of the dates, times & venues your child is require. If you have any questions at all please email lcda@lcda.com.au

You can also;

– Join our Facebook Groups ‘2023 Performance Groups’.

– Join your groups iCal, if you didn’t receive an invitation, please email lcda@lcda.com.au & we will resend.

Check here for a complete list of 2023 events.

– Make sure emails from lcda@lcda.com.au are not going to your junk folder.




Drop off & pick up procedures will remain the same in Term 2.

Students will be collected by their teacher at the start of their lesson, from the Birdwood Lane entrance.

Where possible students should arrive dressed & ready for their class. If students are arriving straight from school, they may enter the building 5mins before their lesson to change. Students must be able to dress themselves when they arrive.

At the end of their lesson, students will be brought back down the stairs to be collected from the Birdwood Lane entrance at Lane Cove Dance Academy.

Only enrolled students and staff are permitted to enter the Academy and only during their scheduled class time. No parents will be allowed in the Academy.

New students, please wait at the Birdwood Lane entrance for your teacher, this is the easiest place for them to find you.




Please make sure your child is in the correct uniform for all classes.

Good grooming is essential. All ballet students (Kindergarten age & above) must have their hair in a ballet bun if they wish to participate in class. For all other dance styles students must have their hair up.

Please do not wear jewellery or watches into any dance class.

You can purchase our uniform from Bloch, Chatswood. Details can be found HERE. If you tell them at Bloch, you are attending Lane Cove Dance Academy, they will know what to give you and you can apply for a privilege card in-store.

You can also go to our second-hand uniform group on Facebook; LCDA 2nd Hand Uniforms



If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.