2023 Term 3 Newsletter
We hope everyone is enjoying their holiday.
Term 3 will be another busy term for LCDA dancers; performances, ballet exams & concert preparations begin!
Please take time to read the rest of this Newsletter as it contains very important information regarding:
Term Dates
End of Year Performance
Term 3 Invoices
NEW Saturday Tiny Tots Class
Drop Off & Pick Up
Term 2 was full of events and we’d just like to mention some exciting things that happened during the second term.
We are so incredible proud of each & every one of our students who competed in the Cecchetti Ballet NSW Medal Awards & Lucie Saronova Memorial Awards selections at the start of Term 2. These dancers demonstrated their beautiful artistry, pure technique & joy of dance in both their class work and solos. We are so proud to have had them represent LCDA.
We had 8 students represent us in the Pre-Junior section; Charlotte G, Sophia H, Olivia Q, Adeline H, Ada W, Adabelle L, Isabelle M & Kate H. Congratulations to Charlotte & Adabelle who both received an Honourable Mention in a very tough section of 31 dancers.
We were represented by Amy S, Emmanuelle G, Grace M & Harper J in the Junior section. Congratulations to Amy & Grace who also received Honourable Mentions in another big section of 32 dancers.
7 students represented LCDA in Intermediate section; Allegra L, Amarlie W, Emily T, Noam Z, Holly vB, Sienna K & Emma H. A massive congratulations to Emma who was announced as the overall Winner and has been selected to represent NSW at the National competition. Well done to Emily & Noam who were selected as finalists and presented their 2nd solo for the adjudicators.
Amelia G, Kiara M & Hannah I, competed in the Senior section and we couldn’t be more proud of these dancers who performed two professional solos for the esteemed adjudicators; Benedicte Bemet, Principal Artist with The Australian Ballet & Brodie James, soloist with The Australian Ballet.
Well done to all!
We are so incredibly proud of Emma Hawkins who represented LCDA & NSW at the Lucie Saronova Memorial Awards last week. Just four dancers, two Silver & two Gold, are selected from each state to compete.
Emma danced beautifully and enjoyed her time dancing at the Thomas Dixon Centre in Brisbane.
Our 2023 Performance Groups have been representing LCDA across Sydney and have received some amazing results!
Expression Dance Eisteddfod
1st Place – 8/U Ballet
1st Place – 10/U Jazz
1st Place – 14/U Contemporary
1st Place – 14/U Ballet
1st Place – 16/U Contemporary
2nd Place – 12/U Jazz
2nd Place – 12/U Hip Hop
2nd Place – 16/U Ballet
3rd Place – 12/U Ballet
Highly Commended – 10/U Ballet
Highly Commended – 12/U Contemporary
Highly Commended – 16/U Jazz
The Ultimate Dance Challenge
2nd Place – 8/U Ballet
2nd Place – 14/U Ballet
3rd Place – 10/U Jazz
3rd Place – 12/U Ballet
3rd Place – 12/U Contemporary
3rd Place – 16/U Contemporary
Highly Commended – 10/U Ballet
Highly Commended – 12/U Jazz
Highly Commended – 14/U Contemporary
Highly Commended – 16/U Jazz
Extreme Dance Competition
2nd Place – 8/U Ballet
3rd Place – 12/U Jazz
3rd Place – 16/U Contemporary
Highly Commended – 10/U Jazz
Highly Commended – 12/U Hip Hop
Highly Commended – 14/U Contemporary
Highly Commended – 16/U Ballet
Both out 16/U Contemporary & 12/U Jazz Groups were invited to perform at Extreme Dance Competitions Gala event!
IRBD Competition
1st Place – 10/U Jazz
1st Place – 12/U Hip Hop
1st Place – 14/U Contemporary
3rd Place – 8/U Ballet
3rd Place – 12/U Contemporary
3rd Place – 14/U Ballet
9 dancers from LCDA competed at the inaugural Contemporary Dance Open during the last weekend of Term 2. They participated in contemporary classes and performed their set solos for adjudicators Kristina Chan & Chloe Leong across two days of competition.
Grace M, Allegra L & Amarlie W danced in the Intermediate Section.
Amelia G, Kiara M, Hannah I, Lola R, Eden H & Hollv vB danced in the Open Section with dancers aged 15-23years old.
All of these dancers presented themselves with great maturity and artistry.
Congratulations to Grace who was selected as a finalist and performed her free variation.
We’re looking forward to another busy term; with the 2nd half of our competition season, ballet exams and the beginnings of our concert preparations.
Term 3, Monday 17th July-Saturday 23rd September
Term 4, Monday 9th October- Concert (16th December)
Please remember the academy does not have pupil free days like the education system.
We are very excited to see our students on stage again this year! We will begin preparations this term for our end of year concert. Please remember, the classes your child is enrolled in this Term are the classes they will need to stay in for the remainder of the year.
Please make sure you have all concert related dates in your diary.
Timetables will be posted on the website. Please subscribe to the website to receive these alerts. LCDA Subscription
Also, follow us on Facebook, Lane Cove Dance Academy & Instagram lanecovedanceacademy
Term 3 invoices have now been raised and are available on your Customer Portal.
To view your invoice and make payment, please log on to your account via the Customer Portal.
If you have any problems regarding your fees, please contact the office by email lcda@lcda.com.au so that we can make appropriate adjustment as required.
If you are new to the academy or forgotten how to log in to your account, please email lcda@lcda.com.au
To avoid a Late Fee please pay by the due date.
Please note that all invoices for costume deposits are now due. If you haven’t done so already, we would appreciate prompt payment of these invoices as we have already begun to purchase costumes for your children.
We’re excited to offer an additional Tiny Tots class to our Term 3 timetable; Saturdays 8:30-9am
This class is for students starting school in 2025
Email lcda@lcda.com.au for more details.
Drop off & pick up procedures will remain the same in Term 3.
Students will be collected by their teacher at the start of their lesson, from the Birdwood Lane entrance.
Where possible students should arrive dressed & ready for their class. If students are arriving straight from school, they may enter the building 5mins before their lesson to change. Students must be able to dress themselves when they arrive.
At the end of their lesson, students will be brought back down the stairs to be collected from the Birdwood Lane entrance at Lane Cove Dance Academy.
Only enrolled students and staff are permitted to enter the Academy and only during their scheduled class time. No parents will be allowed in the Academy.
New students, please wait at the Birdwood Lane entrance for your teacher, this is the easiest place for them to find you.
Please make sure your child is in the correct uniform for all classes.
Good grooming is essential. All ballet students (Kindergarten age & above) must have their hair in a ballet bun if they wish to participate in class. For all other dance styles students must have their hair up.
Please do not wear jewellery or watches into any dance class.
You can purchase our uniform from Bloch, Chatswood. Details can be found on our website (lcda.com.au/dance-classes/uniform/). You can find more information about Bloch’s Privilege Cards here; https://www.bloch.com.au/pages/privilege-cards
You can also go to our second-hand uniform group on Facebook; LCDA 2nd Hand Uniforms