2023 Term 4 Newsletter
We hope everyone has enjoyed a relaxing break and is ready for a busy term 4.
Our first day of Term 4 is Monday 9th October.
Please take time to read the rest of this Newsletter as it contains very important information regarding:
- Concert Dates & Timetables
- Concert Tickets
- Parent Volunteers
- Term 4 Invoices & Costume Balance
- Active Kids Vouchers
- Drop Off & Pick Up at LCDA
- Term 4 Dates
- 2024 Summer School
We have such a busy term ahead but first we would like to reflect on some of our achievements in Term 3!
Congratulations to all of our students from Pre-Primary to Advanced 2 who sat their Cecchetti Ballet Examinations last term. We are so proud of each and every student who worked hard to achieve their best result.
Well done to the following students who received the highest mark in their grade at LCDA;
Pre-Primary – Indigo B & Audrey S
Primary – Lillian H & Isabella B
Grade 1 – Brianna F
Grade 2 – Isabelle W
Grade 3 – Emma L
Grade 4 – Adeline H
Grade 5 – Marlo T & Adabelle L
Grade 6 – Allegra L & Amarlie W
Intermediate – Sienna K
Advanced 2 – Elizabeth F
All results will be handed out during your child’s first ballet class this term.
We are so proud of the following students who were awarded a Cecchetti Ballet NSW Scholarships at the Main Exam Session this year;
Grade 5 – Marlo T & Adabelle L
Grade 6 – Amarlie W
Advanced 2 – Elizabeth F
These scholarships are awarded by the interstate Cecchetti Ballet Australia examiner who chooses from all the students (Grade 4+) who sat their exam in NSW this year! Scholarships are not purely awarded based on marks; the examiner has the tough decision of choosing (usually) just one student from each grade who they thought was outstanding in their examination.
We are very excited to see our students on stage again! Please make sure you have all concert related dates & times in your diary.
ALL STUDENTS – Rehearsals & Photo Day
Sunday 26th November – Full School Rehearsal at LCDA
Sunday 3rd December – Photo Day at LCDA
Wednesday 13th December – Rehearsal at Glen Street Theatre (students must attend this rehearsal in order to be a part of our end of year production).
Please see here for REHEARSAL Timetables
Please see here for PHOTO DAY Timetable
RED SHOW GROUP – Kindergarten, Year 2, 4, 6 & 8 Students (school years)
Thursday 14th December – 6:30pm performance at Glen Street Theatre
Saturday 16th December – 11am performance at Glen Street Theatre
Students must perform in both Thursday & Saturday shows.
WHITE SHOW GROUP – Year 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 Students (school years)
Friday 15th December – 6:30pm performance at Glen Street Theatre
Saturday 16th December – 4pm performance at Glen Street Theatre
Students must perform in both Friday & Saturday shows.
Year 10+ Students, Performance Group Students & some additional classes
The following classes will perform in all 4 shows; Thursday 14th at 6:30pm, Friday 15th at 6:30pm & Saturday 16th, 11am & 4pm.
- Contemporary 8 Monday
- Advanced Hip Hop Monday
- Advanced Acro
- Senior Jazz Monday
- Senior Contemporary Monday
- Intermediate & Advanced 1 Ballet Wednesday
- Intermediate & Advanced 1 Ballet Thursday
- All Performance Group classes
Tiny Tots, Pre-Ballet & Pre-Jazz Students
Mrs Moran’s Tuesday Tiny Tots class will perform on Saturday 16th December at 11am
Mrs Moran’s Tuesday Pre-Ballet class will perform on Saturday 16th December at 11am
Mrs Moran’s Thursday Tiny Tots class will perform on Saturday 16th December at 11am
Mrs Moran’s Thursday Pre-Ballet class will perform on Saturday 16th December at 11am
Miss Grace’s Saturday Tiny Tots class will perform on Thursday 14th December at 6:30pm
Miss Chloe’s Saturday Pre-Jazz class will perform on Saturday 16th December at 4pm
Miss Grace’s Saturday 9am Pre-Ballet class will perform on Saturday 16th December at 4pm
Miss Grace’s Saturday 10am Pre-Ballet class will perform on Friday 15th December at 6:30pm
We know this is a lot of information so if you have read the timetables but are still unsure when your child is required at photos, rehearsals and performances, please send us an email; lcda@lcda.com.au
Additional information re drop off and pick up times, theatre information, costume, hair & make up will be posted on our website. Please make sure you are subscribed to the website to receive all future concert information;
Also, follow us on Facebook, Lane Cove Dance Academy & Instagram lanecovedanceacademy
Concert tickets will go on sale on Thursday 16th November. Please make sure you subscribe to the website to receive booking information.
Also, follow us on Facebook, Lane Cove Dance Academy & Instagram lanecovedanceacademy
If your children are performing in two separate show groups (e.g. a Kindergarten student (RED group) and Year 3 student (WHITE group)) please contact the office for discounted show tickets, lcda@lcda.com.au
We are seeking parents who wish to be involved in volunteering during the upcoming LCDA concert season. Kids get a huge kick out of seeing their parents get involved.
We require interested parents for the following dates;
- Sunday 26th November – Full School Dress Rehearsal at LCDA
- Sunday 3rd December – Photo Day at LCDA
- Wednesday 13th December – Full School Dress Rehearsal at Glen St Theatre
- Thursday 14th December – Performance at Glen Street Theatre
- Friday 15th December – Performance at Glen Street Theatre
- Saturday 16th December – Performances at Glen Street Theatre
Duties involve registering kids, kiddie crowd control at the door, and finding the odd lost water bottle or ballet shoe.
If you are interested, please email lcda@lcda.com.au
Term 4 invoices are now ready to view & pay via your family portal. Costume balances have been added to your Term 4 invoice. Your child will have a different costume for every class they are enrolled in.
To view and pay your invoice just log into your LCDA family portal; https://www.thinksmartsoftware-au.com/customer_portal_v2/#/
If you need, our company code is; YMEYUYAH
If you did not advise the Academy that your child was not participating in the concert, before 1st June 2023, a costume was ordered and the full cost is now payable through your family portal. This cost must still be paid even if your child no longer attends the Academy. You will be notified once your costume is ready to be picked up.
Students with unpaid 2023 invoices will not be given their end of year concert costume, will not be able to purchase concert tickets or enrol in classes for 2024.
To use your remaining 2024 vouchers towards your invoice just follow the link and enter your voucher details.
Your voucher will then be applied to your Term 4 invoice and you will receive a confirmation email. You can pay as normal through the family portal.
Vouchers MUST be applied before you pay your fees.
Please note that Active Kids Vouchers WILL NOT be applied to overdue invoices, vouchers MUST be received by the Academy before the due date of the invoice.
Active Kids Vouchers will not be transferred to another organisation once LCDA have received them. Nor will they be accepted from another Active Kids Provider.
Drop off & pick up procedures will remain the same in Term 4.
Students will be collected by their teacher at the start of their lesson, from the Birdwood Lane entrance.
Where possible students should arrive dressed & ready for their class. If students are arriving straight from school, they may enter the building 5mins before their lesson to change. Students must be able to dress themselves when they arrive.
At the end of their lesson, students will be brought back down the stairs to be collected from the Birdwood Lane entrance at Lane Cove Dance Academy.
Only enrolled students and staff are permitted to enter the Academy and only during their scheduled class time. No parents will be allowed in the Academy.
Term 4 will start on Monday 9th October and finish on Saturday 16th December.
However, our last day of classes at the studio will be Tuesday 12th December. From Wednesday 13th to Saturday 16th, we will be at the theatre.
Our 2024 Summer School will be held Monday 15th to Thursday 18th January.
Please make sure you subscribe to the website to receive Summer School booking information.
Also, follow us on Facebook, Lane Cove Dance Academy & Instagram lanecovedanceacademy
Have a great term and we can’t wait to see everyone at the concert!