2021 Term 3 Newsletter
We hope everyone is staying safe during this lockdown period.
We are so proud of all of our students and their hard work during Term 2. We have also had some wonderful competition results; you can find the full list of competition results at the end of this newsletter.
Roseville Dance Academy has been voted as a finalist in the North Shore Local Business Awards! Thank you to everyone who voted.
You can vote for Lane Cove Dance Academy in the Northern District Awards here; https://thebusinessawards.com.au/business/46863/Lane-Cove-Dance-Academy
We are excited to be nominated as a finalist in the Australia Small Business Champion Awards. These awards were due to be awarded in July but have been postponed until October.
We’re looking forward to another busy term; with the 2nd half of our competition season, ballet exams and the beginnings of our concert preparations.
Please remember the academy does not have pupil free days like the education system. Our first day of Term 3 is Monday 12th July.
Please take time to read the rest of this email because it contains very important information regarding:
1. The End of Year Performance
2. Term 3 invoices
3. Ballet Examinations
4. Uniform
5. Active & Creative Kids Vouchers
We are very excited to see our students on stage again after our in-studio concert last year!
Please make sure you have all concert related dates in your diary.
Lane Cove Dance Academy
Roseville Dance Academy
Timetables will be posted on the website. Please subscribe to the website to receive these alerts.
LCDA Subscription
RDA Subscription
Term 3 invoices have been raised and are available on the Family Portal.
To view your invoice and make payment, please log on to your account via the Family Portal.
If you have any problems regarding your fees, please contact the office by email lcda@lcda.com.au so that we can make appropriate adjustment as required.
If you are new to the academy or forgotten how to log in to your account, instructions are found at the end of this newsletter. To avoid a Late Fee please pay by the due date.
Unfortunately, our Junior Exam rehearsals will have to be postponed. We will contact exam students later this week with more information.
Unfortunately, Cecchetti Ballet NSW Winter School & Dance Day has been cancelled.
At this stage all exam dates will go ahead as planned. But if the situation changes, we will update exam students via email.
Please make sure your child is in the correct uniform. Specific information can be found HERE.
You can purchase our 2021 uniform from Bloch, Chatswood. If you tell them at Bloch you are attending Lane Cove or Roseville Dance Academy, they will know what to give you and you can apply for a privilege card in-store.
Good grooming is essential. All ballet students (Kindergarten age & above) must have their hair in a ballet bun if they wish to participate in class. For all other dance styles students must have their hair up. Please do not wear jewellery or watches/fitbits into any dance class.
To use your 2021 vouchers towards your Term 3 invoice just send us;
1. Childs full name as it appears on the voucher
2. D.O.B. (not the voucher expiry date)
3. 16 digit voucher number (not the whole voucher please)
We will then apply it to the invoice and you can pay as normal through the family portal.
Please note that Active/Creative Kids Vouchers must be received BEFORE the due date of the invoice (12th July) and will not be applied to overdue invoices.
Active/Creative Kids Vouchers will not be transferred to another organisation once LCDA/RDA have received them. Nor will they be accepted from another Active/Creative Kids Provider.
We hope everyone enjoys the rest of their holidays and we can’t wait to see everyone back at the studio from 12th July.
Kind regards,
The Team at Lane Cove and Roseville Dance Academy
Sydney Eisteddfod
1st Place – Noam & Kiran, Hip Hop Duo
2nd Place – 10/U Ballet
2nd Place – Mia & Allegra, Jazz Duo
Highly Commended – 12/U Contemporary
Highly Commended – 14/U Jazz
Highly Commended – 16/U Jazz
Highly Commended – Noam, Hip Hop Solo
IRBD Competition
1st Place – 8/U Ballet
1st Place – Mia & Allegra, Jazz Duo
1st Place – Noam & Kiran, Hip Hop Duo
2nd Place – 16/U Hip Hop
2nd Place – Maya, 15/O Modern Championship
3rd Place – Amelia, Ballet Solo
Highly Commended – 8/U Jazz
Highly Commended – 10/U Ballet
Highly Commended – 10/U Hip Hop
The Ultimate Dance Challenge
1st Place – 10/U Ballet
1st Place – 13/U Ballet
1st Place – 14/U Contemporary
2nd Place – 9/U Ballet
3rd Place – 11/U Ballet
3rd Place – 14/U Jazz
3rd Place – 16/U Hip Hop
Highly Commended – 8/U Ballet
Highly Commended – 12/U Jazz
Extreme Dance Competition
1st Place – 9/U Ballet
1st Place – 12/U Hip Hop
1st Place – 16/U Jazz
1st Place – 16/U Hip Hop
2nd Place – 8/U Ballet
2nd Place – Hannah, Lyrical Solo
2nd Place – Maya, Open Modern Championship
3rd Place – 10/U Jazz
3rd Place – 12/U Jazz
3rd Place – Amelia, Ballet Solo
Highly Commended – 11/U Ballet
Highly Commended – 14/U Contemporary
Highly Commended – Adabelle, Ballet Solo
Highly Commended – Maya, Contemporary Solo
Energy Express Eisteddfod
1st Place – Mia, Jazz Solo
1st Place – Mia & Allegra, Jazz Duo
2nd Place – Allegra, Ballet Solo
Highly Commended – Kiara, Jazz Solo
Locate the gold Family Portal Button on the Home page of the website and click to log on to your account.
New users to the system: If you are a first-time user, use the same email address that was entered on your enrolment form. Enter the same email address in the Forgotten Password field and click on submit to retrieve a password. Do NOT use the New Registration button, we have already created an account for you. A password will be sent to your email address. Go back to the login screen and enter your email address into the Username field and new password into the password field and then click submit.
Once you have logged in, your invoice can be located by clicking on FINANCIALS. Check the detail by clicking on the invoice number in blue.
To make a payment click on PAY and follow the instructions for the checkout.
If you have any problems with the invoice, please notify the office by email immediately so we can adjust your invoice as required.