2021 Term 4 Newsletter
At the start of Term 3 who could have imagined we would still be Zooming at the end of the term and into Term 4!
We’d like to thank all of our amazing families who have stuck with us during this difficult time. As well as all the people who sent such lovely messages of encouragement and support.
At this stage we are still unsure when dance schools will be able to return to face-to-face learning. We are keeping up to date with the latest information from AusDance NSW, who are currently seeking clarification on how the easing of restrictions will affect the dance sector.
We will be starting Term 4 on Zoom and will release more information on returning to the studio once we receive further advice.
Please take time to read all of this Newsletter because it contains important information regarding;
- Term 4 Classes
- Term Dates
- Free Holiday Classes
- Cecchetti Ballet Exams
- Performance Groups
- Concert
- Term 4 Invoices
- Active & Creative Kids Vouchers
Without a date for dance studios to return, classes will continue online in Term 4.
If you were enrolled for Term 3 you do not need to re-enrol for Term 4. If you are planning on changing your enrolment for Term 4, we would appreciate if you could let us know ASAP as this may change what classes are available to other students.
Students will continue to work on their technique, strength, flexibility & artistry in their online classes. Ballet students will begin to learn syllabus work for the next grade.
All classes will also work towards a showcase at the end of the term. At this stage we are unsure if this will be; live, online, filmed, in the studio or at home. As you can understand, with so much uncertainty we will have to keep our plans fluid.
Term 4 will start on Tuesday 5th October.
Our last day of Term 4 will be Monday 6th December.
Miss Tanya will be running free Acro workshops next Friday afternoon, 1st October. Classes will range from beginner to advanced level. To register your interest & for more information email lcda@lcda.com.au
We are very proud of all our examination students who have worked so hard in their online classes in preparation for the Cecchetti Ballet Exams. After rescheduling twice already, the NSW secretary has decided to wait to reschedule any exams until we have a confirmed date for a return to the studio.
We plan to book in a date for ballet examinations as soon as possible, whether it be late 2021 or early 2022. We will let families know as soon as we have information. If a student has not attended classes in Terms 3 & 4 or is not able to attend the new examination date, we will provide you with a refund of the examination fees.
Teachers feel that all examination students who have attended in Term 3 are more than ready to sit their exams. So, in Term 4 students will begin to learn the next grade. As soon as we have an examination date, we will return to the previous grades exercises to revise before the exam.
After such a successful start to the competition season in Term 2, unfortunately, it was cut short and all remaining 2021 competitions have been cancelled. Competitions have either provided us with a refund or credit for 2022, you will find a credit on your Term 4 invoice for competitions that did not go ahead.
We are very proud of all of our performance group students who have continued to work hard in their online classes; on their technique, creative tasks, strength & flexibility, ballet theory and much more. Hopefully we will be able to return to the studio before the end of the year to hold our annual Performance Group Showcase and perform our 2021 routines one last time.
With so much uncertainty as to when we can return to the studio, let alone the theatre at full capacity, we have had to make the difficult decision to postpone our 2021 concert until next year. We know students will be very disappointed but we can assure you that as soon as we are allowed to return to the theatre, we will be doing everything in our power to get the students on the stage doing what they love.
To save families the cost of costumes, that we were unsure would be used this year, we have not purchased any costumes. All 2021 costume deposits (charged on your Term 2 invoice) will be credited to your Term 4 invoice.
Term 4 invoices are now ready and can be viewed & paid through your family portal.
Term 4 Zoom links will be emailed to you once we receive your payment for Term 4. Class links will not be sent to families who have outstanding Term 1, 2 or 3 invoices. Zoom links are sent our manually so please ensure your invoice is paid well before your first lesson to ensure you receive your links in time.
Your Term 4 invoice will include;
- Term 4 Fees
- A credit for costume deposits charged on your term 2 invoice
- A credit for competition costs (performance group students only)
Last chance to use your 2021 Active & Creative Kids Vouchers!
To use your vouchers towards your invoice just send us;
- Childs full name as it appears on the voucher
- D.O.B. (not the voucher expiry date)
- 16 digit voucher number (not the voucher please)
We will then apply it to the invoice and you can pay as normal through the family portal.
Please note that Active/Creative Kids Vouchers must be received BEFORE the due date of the invoice and will not be applied to overdue invoices.
Active/Creative Kids Vouchers will not be transferred to another organisation once LCDA/RDA have received them. Nor will they be accepted from another Active/Creative Kids Provider.
We wish everyone a safe & happy holiday and we look forward to seeing everyone back to dance for Term 4!
The Team at Lane Cove & Roseville Dance Academies