2022 Term 1 Newsletter
We can’t wait to welcome everyone back to the studio!
We are all keeping our fingers crossed for an uninterrupted 2022.
Please take time to read all of this Newsletter because it contains important information regarding;
- 2022 Term Dates
- COVID Safe Plan
- Tiny Tots & Pre-Ballet Open Morning
- Cecchetti Ballet Exam Reports
- Adult Classes
- Uniform
- Subscribe
- Enrol Now!
- Term 1 Invoices
- Active & Creative Kids Vouchers
Term 1, Monday 7th February-Saturday 9th April
Term 2, Tuesday 26th April-Saturday 2nd July
Term 3, Monday 18th July-Saturday 24th September
Term 4, Monday 10th October-Concert
Please remember the academy does not have pupil free days like the education system. Our first day of term is generally on a Monday unless it falls on a public holiday.
As COVID-19 continues to circulate through the community we will keep our COVID safe plan in place for the foreseeable future. If you are new to the Academy or would like to remind yourself of our COVID safe plan you can view it HERE.
For the health & safety of all students, during the term parents will not be able to accompany students into the Academy. Therefore, we would like to invite our Tiny Tots & Pre-Ballet students & parents to an open morning to familiarise themselves with the Academy, meet their teacher & have a little dance.
When – Saturday 5th February, 9:30-10:00am
Who – Tiny Tots & Pre-Ballet students, these are students who are going to school in 2023 or 2024. This is open to new students, returning students or students interested in joining one of our Tiny Tots or Pre-Ballet classes in 2022.
How – to register please email lcda@lcda.com.au with your & your child’s name. Please only one adult per student.
If your child sat their Cecchetti Ballet Examination at the end of 2021 we have now received their results.
You can pick up your child’s report at the following times;
Thursday 20th January, 8:45-9:00am
Friday 21st January, 8:45-9:15am
Monday 24th January, 8:45-9:00am
Tuesday 25th January, 8:45-9:15am
Or they will be handed out in class during the first week of term.
We are excited to offer two Adult Classes in 2022!
Adult Jazz, Mondays 7:15-8:15pm
Adult Ballet, Fridays 6:15-7:15pm
To enrol or organise a trial lesson just send us an email with your name & phone number.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at lcda@lcda.com.au
Please make sure your child is in the correct uniform for all classes. Just send us an email if you are unsure what colour your child should be in.
You can purchase our uniform from Bloch, Chatswood. If you tell them at Bloch you are attending Lane Cove Dance Academy, they will know what to give you and you can apply for a privilege card in-store.
You can also go to our second-hand uniform group on Facebook; LCDA & RDA 2nd Hand Uniforms
Good grooming is essential. All ballet students (Kindergarten age & above) must have their hair in a ballet bun if they wish to participate in class. For all other dance styles students must have their hair up. Please do not wear jewellery or watches/fitbits into any class.
Please make sure you are subscribed to our website.
Also, follow us on Facebook, Lane Cove & Roseville Dance Academies & Instagram lcda_rda
If you haven’t done so already there is still time to enrol for 2022.
For our 2022 timetable and enrolment information visit our HERE.
Term 1 invoices are now ready and can be viewed & paid through your Family Portal.
If you have any problems regarding your fees, please contact the office by email lcda@lcda.com.au so that we can make appropriate adjustment as required.
To use your 2022 vouchers towards your invoice just send us;
- Child’s full name as it appears on the voucher
- D.O.B. (not the voucher expiry date)
- 16-digit voucher number (not the whole voucher please)
We will then apply it to the invoice and you can pay as normal through the family portal. Vouchers MUST be applied before you pay your fees.
Please note that Active/Creative Kids Vouchers WILL NOT be applied to overdue invoices, vouchers MUST be received by the Academy before the due date of the invoice. Any vouchers received after this date will be applied to your Term 2 invoice.
Active/Creative Kids Vouchers will not be transferred to another organisation once LCDA have received them. Nor will they be accepted from another Active/Creative Kids Provider.
We hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays and we will see everyone back at the studio from Monday 7th February!