2020 Term 2 Newsletter
We hope everyone had a very Happy Easter!
We would like to express our extreme gratitude for supporting Lane Cove and Roseville Dance Academies.
We are now preparing for Term 2 classes online! Thank you to everyone who filled out our survey, this information has allowed us to shape the timetable as close to Term 1 as possible.
Term 2 starts on Monday 27th April and finishes on Saturday 4th July.
Term 2 Enrolment
If you indicated through the survey that you would be continuing with classes online you have been re-enrolled for Term 2.
If you did not reply to our survey you have been re-enrolled for Term 2. Please email the office if your enrolment has changed for Term 2.
We will be offering an additional Stretch class, Friday 3:45-4:45pm.
If you would like to join this class or any other classes for Term 2 please email the office, lcda@lcda.com.au
You can find our Term 2 timetable HERE
If you clearly indicated through the survey that you will not be attending online classes or will not be attending as many classes we have un-enrolled you for Term 2.
You can check what classes you are enrolled in for Term 2 through your family portal.
You will need to re-enrol via email once classes resume in the studio.
Please make sure you are subscribed to our website to receive these notifications;
RDA – roseville.ndsb.com.au/subscribe/
Also, follow us on Facebook, Lane Cove & Roseville Dance Academies & Instagram lcda_rda
We have now contacted students in classes that will not continue online:
- Tiny Tots Thursday & Saturday
- Jazz Beginners & Jazz 1 Thursday
- Ballet 1 Wednesday
- Jazz 2 Wednesday
- Ballet 3 Monday
- Ballet 5 Monday
- Ballet 7 Thursday (3:45pm class)
- Ballet 8 Thursday
- Advanced 1 Tuesday
- Advanced 2 Thursday
We hope that these classes can return once classes resume in the studio and that in the meantime you are able to attend another online lesson time. Please contact the office if you did not receive an email or would like to move to a different day.
Some classes have also had to change times:
- Pre-Ballet Saturday at 10am will move to 9:30am
- Contemporary 4 Tuesday has moved to 4:45-5:45pm
- Wednesday Jazz 5 at 3:45pm will move to 4:45pm
- Jazz 8 Thursday is 15mins earlier, 6:00-7:00pm
- Advanced 1 Thursday has moved to 5:15-6:45pm
- Advanced Pointe Thursday has move to 6:45-7:15pm
- Elementary Tap Friday has moved to 3:45-4:45pm
- Intermediate Tap Friday has move to 4:45-5:45pm
- Advanced Tap Friday has move to 4:45-5:45pm
- Ballet, Jazz & Contemporary Performance Groups have changed to 1 hour & 15mins
- Acro Performance Group has move to Saturday 3:45-4:45pm
Term 2 Fees
Term 2 invoices have now been raised.
We will be offering a 25% discount for online classes.
Online class links will only be issued after fees have been paid. Fees are due by Saturday 25th April. Fees paid after this date cannot be guaranteed their class link for that week.
Families with an outstanding Term 1 invoice will also not be issued with Term 2 online class links.
If you require a payment plan for Term 2 please email the office.
Active Kids/Creative Kids Vouchers
Active Kids Vouchers can not be used for online classes. Any Active Kids Vouchers we receive will be used for lessons once we return to the studio.
Creative Kids Vouchers can be used for online classes, these vouchers must be received by 25th April to be applied to your Term 2 invoice. All vouchers received after this date will be applied to your Term 3 invoice, there will be no exceptions.
To use your Creative Kids Voucher towards your Term 2 invoice just send us;
- Child’s full name as it appears on the voucher
- D.O.B. (not the voucher expiry date)
- 16 digit voucher number (not the whole voucher please)
We will then apply it to the invoice and you can pay as normal through the family portal.
Active/Creative Kids Vouchers will not be transferred to another organisation once LCDA/RDA have received them. Nor will they be accepted from another Active/Creative Kids Provider.
Cecchetti Ballet Exams
Students who were planning on sitting their Cecchetti Ballet Examination in the April or September main session will continue to work towards sitting their examination at the next main session. At this stage we do not know when this will be.
We are hoping that Ballet Beginners-Ballet 4 students will be able to sit the exams before the end of 2020. Again, we are not sure when this will be but will keep parents updated.
We hope everyone is having a relaxing holiday and we can’t wait to see you back in class, even if it is through a computer screen!
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,